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Strontium Compounds
   Bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide
   Strontium aluminate
   Strontium nitrate
   Strontium ranelate
Bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide Bi2Sr2CanCun+1O2n+6
A family of high-temperature superconductors and also the first high-temperature superconductors to be discovered which did not contain a rare earth element.
Strontium aluminate SrAlO3
When activated with a suitable dopant (eg. europium, then it is labeled SrAlO3:Eu), it acts as a photoluminescent phosphor with long persistence of phosphorescence. The glow intensity depends on the particle size; generally, the bigger the particles, the better the glow.
Strontium aluminate is vastly superior phosphor than its predecessor, copper-activated zinc sulfide; it is about 10 times brighter, 10 times longer glowing, and 10 times more expensive than ZnS:Cu. It is frequently used in glow in the dark toys, where it displaces the cheaper but less efficient ZnS:Cu.
Strontium nitrate Sr(NO3)2
It is an oxidizer and imparts a deep red colour to flames. It has found use in flares and pyrotechnic compositions including stars and rocket propellants. Woodchips soaked in a strong solution of strontium nitrate and then thoroughly dried, will burn with a deep red.
Strontium ranelate C12H6N2O8SSr2
It is used as a medication for osteoporosis.